Our work in Burkina Faso

In Oxfam Denmark we focus on three areas - democracy and active citizenship, climate adaptation and humanitarian support.

80% of internally displaced

have gotten their basic needs covered by Oxfam

800 young people

have been trained in agro-ecological techniques and practices

340 women and young people

have been trained in social cohesion and conflict resolution

12.000 students

are receiving quality education with a focus on gender equality

Burkina Faso means ‘Our treasured, free and honest motherland' but these lyrics are challenged as the 20 million inhabitants are facing turbulent times.

Increased insurgency and conflicts, weak governance and prolonged droughts have since 2015 dragged the country into a deepening economic, political, and environmental crisis and triggered two military coups. More than half of the population is under 18 years old, and the country is one of the poorest in the world.

That is why we work to reduce poverty and inequality while fighting to promote women's rights.

1.8 million Burkinabes are internally displaced, 2000 people have been killed, the military controls 60 percent of the country and 3300 schools are closed. That is why the country urgently needs support.

Young people and women are the future of the nation. At Oxfam, we strive to ensure their active participation in advocating for the country's development, both locally and nationally, and we support their efforts in fighting for a more equal and just society. This is the way to reduce the enormous inequality between rich and poor, while ordinary people will have access to health and education.

Our goals in Burkina Faso

  • To strengthen the economic, social and political rights of women, young people and internally displaced persons
  • To Improve public education systems, especially for girls, young people and women, increasing active citizenship and gender-transformative education incl. enrollment and retention of girls and child workers from mining communities.
  • To strengthen 10 ‘Municipal Citizen Committees’ to proactively change local development policies and budgets with demands for access to information, transparency and increased financing for quality social services.
  • To influence the distribution of public finances and mining revenues to be fair and transparent and invested in civil society needs

We battle the catastrophic consequences of climate change such as drought and flooding by ensuring the population's access to housing, food, education and jobs, as well as training people in alternative techniques within sustainable agriculture.

We also distribute emergency aid with a long-term development focus in areas suffering from conflict and climate refugees. As part of the emergency aid, we train local leaders and young men and women to be change-makers, to contribute to dialogue and peace building between warring parties and to rebuild the trust and cooperation with local authorities that is needed to ensure a stable development of the country.

Comrades, there is no true social revolution without the liberation of women. May my eyes never see and my feet never take me to a society where half the people are held in silence. I hear the roar of women’s silence. I sense the rumble of their storm and feel the fury of their revolt.
Thomas Sankara
First president of Burkina Faso, murdered in 1987

Facts about Burkina Faso

  • In 2014 the president in seat for 27 year was overthrown and the first civil elections took place. The spread of insurgent violence prompted the army to seize control twice in 2022
  • Their biggest export is gold, even though Burkina Faso is one of the world's poorest countries.
  • More than half of the population is under 18 years old, and 67 percent of women cannot read, while its 45 percent of men.
  • Burkina Faso is a former french colony that gained its independence in 1960 as the Republic of Upper Volta