Here you can get an overview of all Oxfam's reports and analyses. We regularly publish analyses, publications and memos that focus on our core areas - education, emergency aid, climate inequality and economic inequality.
In collaboration with country offices and local partners, Oxfam Denmark leads pilot projects and the scaling of JET initiatives in countries such as Cambodia, Uganda, Kenya, and the Philippines.
This paper focuses on the solutions outlined in the Stern-Songwe report and offers alternative and more just paths to climate finance.
Worldwide, 773 million young people and adults lack basic knowledge of literacy and numeracy. Two thirds of them are women. “Reframing literacy in crisis contexts” is a research study drawing on case studies from literacy interventions by Oxfam and partners in South Sudan, Mozambique, Chad, Central African Republic (CAR) and Sierra Leone and with input from EFSVL, Protection,
Burkina Faso is currently experiencing a rapidly deteriorating humanitarian crises in the world, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study describes the impact of the conflict on women.
Inequality is reaching new extremes. Significant increases in inequality of both income and wealth are leading to larger gaps between rich and poor, men and women.