Forside / Partners & Donors / Danida / Case studies / Voice of Refugees: Refugee led organisations in Rhino camp

Refugee Led Organisations in Rhino refugee camp in Uganda improve quality of services

In Rhino Camp, Refugee Led Organisations, RLOs, have demonstrated increased proficiency. Oxfam has supported a group of RLOs, providing mentorship and customized capacity building. Initially being small youth led volunteer groups, RLOs have now grown to become recognized, trusted and influential actors in the camps. In working with refugees, RLOs are truly indispensable partners with an exclusive advantage of social proximity and affiliations in the communities, they serve. They speak the languages and are familiar with the social architecture in the camp communities. Increased capacity of RLOs results in refugees’ needs and priorities being better represented and internal conflicts minimized.

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Our work in Uganda
We support the many refugees, who have fled South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo due to continued armed conflict and poverty, as well as the marginalized host communities welcoming refugees to become self sufficient and co-exist peacefully.
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