Forside / Partners & Donors / Danida / Protection, resilience and self-reliance in Lebanon and Syria

Protection, resilience and self-reliance in Lebanon and Syria

It has been over a decade since the Syrian crisis began. Yet despite this, it continues to impact the lived reality for millions with declining livelihood opportunities, increased food insecurity and deteriorating standards of living. 6.7 million people are now internally displaced within Syria and 1.5 million are displaced across the border into Lebanon. Over 13.4 million people within Syria are currently in need of immediate humanitarian assistance.

Hoda and Khadija in Beirut, Lebanon.
Photo : Natheer Halawani

The refugee and host communities in Lebanon are also suffering the consequences of the protracted conflict. The country has little capacity to support the displaced communities. With the interconnecting impacts in both countries of the fuel crisis, the aftermath of Covid-19, insufficient health services, deteriorating living conditions, a continuing food crisis, and high rates of crime and violence, fragility levels are high. Immediate humanitarian action is critical in Syria and its heavily impacted neighbour, Lebanon to build resilience to the deteriorating conditions.

The project

Through local partners, the project provides humanitarian assistance and services to the most vulnerable communities in Syria and Lebanon, enabling them to build sustainable, resilient lives. The most vulnerable households receive emergency cash grants, ensuring they can afford necessities and enabling them to begin income generating activities. To supplement this, Oxfam trains local communities in business development and agricultural practices to develop livelihood opportunities.

Hygiene facilities are essential to ensure a good standard of living, enable women and girls to participate in education and livelihood activities and prevent the spread of diseases such as Covid-19. Through our local partners, we are rehabilitating infrastructure in vulnerable communities, meeting the water and sanitation needs of around 700 people in Lebanon. We also support the menstrual hygiene needs of 3000 women and girls in Lebanon, delivering menstrual hygiene kits and providing awareness raising sessions.

In situations of conflict and displacement, women and girls experience high levels of gender-based violence. To respond to this, we provide accessible protection services to women, enabling the referral and appropriate management of gender-based violence cases. Community based protection ensures access to vital services such as legal aid and case management for cases of deportation and eviction.

This project is supported by Danida with 18 million DKK.

Countries: Lebanon and Syria

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