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Education Out Loud

Education Out Loud is the world's largest fund supporting civil education organizations. The foundation supports civil society organizations in more than 60 countries, mainly in Africa, Asia, South and Central America.

Education Out Loud is the Global Partnership for Education’s fund for advocacy and social accountability. The fund supports civil society to be active and influential in shaping education policy to better meet the needs of communities, especially of vulnerable and marginalized populations.

Education Out Loud is managed by Oxfam Denmark.

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If your foundation wishes to enter a strategic collaboration with Oxfam Denmark, please contact Pia Dyrhagen, who is responsible for our foundation collaboration.
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This is how Oxfam Denmark work with education
Good education is an effective weapon in the fight against inequality. It equips poor people with capital that enables them to create a better future for themselves. It diminishes the differences between men and women, rich and poor, powerful and powerless - marginalized groups gain strength and can be involved where decisions are made.
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